Glory to the sri-krishna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.
namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-shaktis
tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah
etadrisi tava kripa bhagavan mamapi
durdaivam idrisam ihajani nanuragah
榮耀歸於齊頌聖主之名 Krishna 之名.為我們的心拭淨經年的積塵,熄去條件化生命
的火焰 ~ 生死輪迴的火焰,這運動傳播月亮恩澤的光芒,是全人類最大的福祉.這是