first-class man 一個理想的有修養的人
From the teachings of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
聖巴克提維丹達. 史瓦米. 帕布帕德 的教導
Who is trying to control his mind, control his senses? This is the first condition to become a first-class man. As soon as a man sees a beautiful woman, immediately his mind is agitated. Where is the control? And as soon as the mind is agitated, the senses are agitated. And this is the first condition of the first-class man, that he should not be agitated in his mind, and agitated by senses. This is the first condition. So where is that school who is training to, how to control the mind, how to control the senses, how to become truthful, how to become cleansed, internally, externally? These are the signs of first-class men.
人類中有誰在試著控制他自己的心意? 或是試著控制他自己的感官? 人若能控制自己的感官和心意是成為一個理想人類的首要條件. 當一個男人看到漂亮的女人時,他的心意就開始波動,自然他的感官也隨之起伏. 一個理想的有修養的人是不會被這些衝動所支配的. 有什麼地方在教導人們如何來控制感官以及控制心意,又如何變得誠實,並且如何來洗滌淨化我們的內在與外在,使我們成為理想的人類呢?
Everyone has always been making and continues to make, big plans to adjust the miseries of the material world. Although elaborate political, social and cultural plans are being made, the material world has been described in the Bhagavad-gita as temporay and miserable. It are fools who are trying to turn the world into a place of happiness. They are ignorant of how everything acts by the arrangement of material nature. Although all materialists are baffled in their plans, they try to again and again become happy in this material world. Therefore they have been described as not only foolish but extremely unhappy also.
每個人都一直馬不停蹄的在訂著各種計畫以適應這物質世界的悲苦. 但即使有了各種政治,社會以及文化等等精密策劃的計劃,這物質世界就像博伽梵歌所說的那樣短暫而悲慘. 傻子們試圖把這個世界變成快樂的天堂,但卻不知道萬物是按照物質自然的規則運轉. 即使物質主意者被自己的計畫搞的昏頭轉向,他們還是一再又一再地不停的用各種方法試圖使自己快樂.因此他們被認為是不僅愚蠢而且是極不快樂的.
The devotee is simultaneously happy and unhappy. He feels happiness and transcendental bliss because of his being Krishna conscious, yet he feels great unhappiness for the fools and rascals who make elaborate plans to be happy in this material world. He is interested in enlightening people in Krishna consciousness because that is the only way for them to become happy. He thinks "I know that without Krishna consciousness, without taking shelter of the Lord's lotus feet, one cannot be happy."
奉獻者是同時感到快樂與不快樂的人.因為具有奎施那意識,他感到由衷的快樂與超然喜樂; 但他又為那些傻子和無賴們感到不悅.因為他們總是處心積慮地計畫著如何能在物質世界裡快樂 .奉獻者以啟發人們的奎施那意識而感到快樂,因為他知道那是唯一通往快樂的方法. 他知道人如果沒有奎施那意識,不在神的蓮花足下尋求庇護是不可能快樂的.
One wanders within the universe, life after life, but by the grace of a devotee, a servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one can get the clue to Krsna consciousness and then not only become happy in this world but also return home, back to Godhead. That is the real target in life. The members of the Krsna consciousness movement are not interested in so-called meditation in the Himalayas or the forest, where one will only make a show of meditation, nor are they interested in opening many schools for yoga and meditation in the cities. Rather, every member of the Krsna consciousness movement is interested in going door to door to try to convince people about the teachings of Bhagavad-gita As It Is and the teachings of Lord Chaitanya. That is the purpose of the Hare Krishna Movement.
我們在這浩罕的宇宙中一世又一世的徘徊流連,但是由於奉獻者,一個主柴坦尼亞Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu的僕人的 仁慈,我們才能夠瞭解奎施那意識,不僅使我們變得快樂,而且也能夠回家,回歸到首神的居所.這才是人生真正的目標. 奎施那意識運動的成員們沒有興趣到希馬拉雅山或到森林裡去冥想打坐, 那兒人們只是在展示他的冥想罷了,並且奉獻者也不想去開很多瑜珈學校. 他們有興趣的是逐門逐戶地去傳道,使人們了解博伽梵歌 的真意和主柴坦尼亞 的教導.