
Lord Krishna's holy name, His form, and His personality are all one and the same. There is no difference between Them. Since all of Them are absolute. They are all transcendentally blissful. C.C. Madhya 12. 131
主奎師那的聖名,主的形體, 以及主的性格特質都是具有同樣的能量, 是沒有分別的 .因為他們都是絕對的. 他們都是超然喜樂的. 永恆的采坦亞經 瑪迪亞篇12. 131
As fire burns the dry grass to ashes, so the Holy Name of Lord Krishna, whether being chanted knowingly or unknowingly, burns to ashes, without fail, all reactions of one's sinful activities. S.B. 6. 7. 18
就像火將稻草燒成灰燼一樣,不管一個人是有意或無意地唸頌著主奎師那的聖名,這個人過去所有的罪惡報應確定都會化成灰燼. 聖典博伽瓦譚 6. 7. 18
Photos of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, and references to his books used with permisssion of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Inc.
聖恩 巴克提韋丹達 帕布帕德 的照片及引用其書中的參考,已經由巴克提韋丹達圖書出版有限公司之授權